Nutrition Chapter 1: Nutritious Value of a serving


A serving of food supplies 22 g carbohydrate, 8 g fat, 23 g protein, 120 mcg vitamin A, and 150 ml water. Which of the following statements is true about a serving of the food?

  • Fat provides the most food energy.
  • Carbohydrate provides the least food energy.
  • Carbohydrate provides the most food energy.
  • Fat provides the least food energy.


Fat provides the most food energy.

The caloric content of food is determined by the macronutrient composition: carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. Each gram of these macronutrients provides a different amount of energy:

  • Carbohydrates and protein each provide about 4 kilocalories (kcal) per gram.
  • Fat, on the other hand, provides about 9 kcal per gram.

Given the quantities provided in the question, we can calculate the energy contribution of each macronutrient:

  • Carbohydrate: 22 g * 4 kcal/g = 88 kcal
  • Fat: 8 g * 9 kcal/g = 72 kcal
  • Protein: 23 g * 4 kcal/g = 92 kcal

Even though there is less fat (8 g) than carbohydrate (22 g) or protein (23 g), the energy provided by fat is higher due to its higher energy density. Therefore, the statement “Fat provides the most food energy” is correct.

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